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Information for Employers

Services for Employers

Candidate Searches: We conduct candidate searches on retained or contingency bases with the goal of providing clients with a pool of diverse, excellent attorneys from which to choose.

Merger and Acquisitions Targets: We conduct searches for potential law firm merger or practice group acquisition candidates. For our clients that wish to merge or be acquired, we find partner firms that complement our clients’ strengths and supplement their weaknesses to create a more dynamic and competitive firm.

Diversity Advice: We provide our clients, free of charge, advice and counsel on how to increase their diversity and make themselves more attractive to diverse candidates. Also, we provide referrals to diversity consultants for our clients with profound diversity challenges.

Diversity Articles of Interest

2007 Diversity Progress Report

2007 Press Release

2007 Report Card Final

Dallas Diversity Task Force Final Report 2007

Dallas Morning News Article 2007

NLJ Article on Diversity Efforts at 20 Largest Dallas Law Firms

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